- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import math
- import time
- import tkinter
- G = 9.80665 #重力加速度
- class Element:
- def __init__(self):
- self.n = 0 #要素No.
- self.r = 0.0 #半径
- self.x = 0.0 #X座標
- self.y = 0.0 #Y座標
- self.a = 0.0 #角度
- self.dx = 0.0 #X方向増加量
- self.dy = 0.0 #Y方向増加量
- self.da = 0.0 #角度増加量
- self.vx = 0.0 #X方向速度
- self.vy = 0.0 #Y方向速度
- self.va = 0.0 #角速度
- self.fx = 0.0 #X方向節点力
- self.fy = 0.0 #Y方向節点力
- self.fm = 0.0 #モーメント
- self.en = [] #弾性力(直方向)
- self.es = [] #弾性力(せん断方向)
- class Particle(Element):
- def __init__(self,x,y,r=5.0):
- super().__init__()
- self.etype = 1 #要素タイプ
- self.r = r #半径
- self.x = x #X座標
- self.y = y #Y座標
- #粒子専用
- self.m = 0.0 #質量
- self.Ir = 0.0 #慣性モーメント
- class Line(Element):
- def __init__(self,x1=0,y1=0,x2=0,y2=0):
- super().__init__()
- self.etype = 2 #要素タイプ
- #線要素専用
- self.x1 = x1
- self.y1 = y1
- self.x2 = x2
- self.y2 = y2
- class Interface:
- def __init__(self,kn=0,ks=0,etan=0,etas=0,frc=0):
- self.kn = kn #弾性係数(法線方向)
- self.etan = etan #粘性係数(法線方向)
- self.ks = ks #弾性係数(せん断方向)
- self.etas = etas #粘性係数(せん断方向)
- self.frc = frc #摩擦係数
- class InterfaceContainer:
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = {}
- def set(self,interface,etype1,etype2):
- if not etype1 in self.data:
- self.data[etype1] = {}
- if not etype2 in self.data:
- self.data[etype2] = {}
- self.data[etype1][etype2] = interface
- self.data[etype2][etype1] = interface
- def get(self,etype1,etype2):
- return self.data[etype1][etype2]
- class DEM:
- def __init__(self):
- self.particles = []
- self.lines = []
- self.interfaces = InterfaceContainer()
- self.rho = 10 #粒子間密度
- self.dt = 0.001 #⊿t
- self.step = 0 #ステップ
- def setup(self):
- #境界(暫定処理)
- l1 = Line(self.area[0],self.area[2],self.area[0],self.area[3])
- l2 = Line(self.area[1],self.area[2],self.area[1],self.area[3])
- l3 = Line(self.area[0],self.area[2],self.area[1],self.area[2])
- l4 = Line(self.area[0],self.area[3],self.area[1],self.area[3])
- self.lines += [l1,l2,l3,l4]
- self.par_count = len(self.particles)
- self.line_count = len(self.lines)
- self.elem_count = self.par_count + self.line_count
- #粒子要素
- pe = self.particles
- for i in range(self.par_count):
- pe[i].n = i
- pe[i].m = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*self.rho*pe[i].r**3.0 # 質量
- pe[i].Ir = math.pi*self.rho*pe[i].r**4.0/2.0 #慣性モーメント
- pe[i].en = [0.0 for j in range(self.elem_count)]
- pe[i].es = [0.0 for j in range(self.elem_count)]
- #線要素
- for i in range(self.line_count):
- self.lines[i].n = self.par_count + i
- def cycle(self,step=1):
- for i in range(step):
- self.next_step()
- def next_step(self):
- self.calc_force()
- self.update_coord()
- self.step += 1
- def calc_force(self):
- self._reset_force()
- self._particles_collision()
- self._par_and_line_collision()
- self._apply_gravitiy()
- def _reset_force(self):
- for p in self.particles:
- p.fx = 0
- p.fy = 0
- p.fm = 0
- def _particles_collision(self):
- for i in range(self.par_count):
- for j in range(i+1,self.par_count):
- p1 = self.particles[i]
- p2 = self.particles[j]
- lx = p1.x - p2.x
- ly = p1.y - p2.y
- ld = (lx**2+ly**2)**0.5
- if (p1.r+p2.r)>ld: #接触
- cos_a = lx/ld
- sin_a = ly/ld
- self._force_par2par(p1,p2,cos_a,sin_a)
- else:
- p1.en[p2.n] = 0.0
- p1.es[p2.n] = 0.0
- def _par_and_line_collision(self):
- #粒子と線の接触判定
- for i in range(self.par_count):
- for j in range(self.line_count):
- hit = False
- p = self.particles[i]
- l = self.lines[j]
- th0 = math.atan2(l.y2-l.y1, l.x2-l.x1)
- th1 = math.atan2(p.y-l.y1, p.x-l.x1)
- a = math.sqrt((p.x-l.x1)**2+(p.y-l.y1)**2)
- d = abs(a*math.sin(th1-th0))
- if d < p.r:
- b = math.sqrt((p.x-l.x2)**2+(p.y-l.y2)**2)
- s = math.sqrt((l.x2-l.x1)**2+(l.y2-l.y1)**2)
- s = math.sqrt(s**2 + p.r**2)
- if a < s and b < s:
- c = math.sqrt(a**2-d**2)
- x = l.x1 + c*math.cos(th0)
- y = l.y1 + c*math.sin(th0)
- hit = True
- elif a < b and a < p.r:
- x = l.x1
- y = l.y1
- hit = True
- elif b < p.r:
- x = l.x2
- y = l.y2
- hit = True
- if hit:
- lx = x - p.x
- ly = y - p.y
- ld = math.sqrt(lx**2+ly**2)
- cos_a = lx/ld
- sin_a = ly/ld
- self._force_par2par(p,l,cos_a,sin_a)
- else:
- p.en[l.n] = 0.0
- p.es[l.n] = 0.0
- def _apply_gravitiy(self):
- for p in self.particles:
- p.fy += -G*p.m #重力
- def _force_par2par(self,p1,p2,cos_a,sin_a):
- #相対的変位増分
- un = +(p1.dx-p2.dx)*cos_a+(p1.dy-p2.dy)*sin_a
- us = -(p1.dx-p2.dx)*sin_a+(p1.dy-p2.dy)*cos_a+(p1.r*p1.da+p2.r*p2.da)
- inf = self.interfaces.get(p1.etype,p2.etype)
- #合力
- p1.en[p2.n] += inf.kn*un
- p1.es[p2.n] += inf.ks*us
- hn = p1.en[p2.n] + inf.etan*un/self.dt
- hs = p1.es[p2.n] + inf.etas*us/self.dt
- if hn <= 0.0:
- #法線力がなければ、せん断力は0
- hs = 0.0
- elif abs(hs) > inf.frc*hn:
- #摩擦力以上のせん断力は働かない
- hs = inf.frc*abs(hn)*hs/abs(hs)
- #合力
- p1.fx += -hn*cos_a + hs*sin_a
- p1.fy += -hn*sin_a - hs*cos_a
- p1.fm -= p1.r*hs
- p2.fx += hn*cos_a - hs*sin_a
- p2.fy += hn*sin_a + hs*cos_a
- p2.fm -= p2.r*hs
- def update_coord(self):
- pe = self.particles
- for i in range(self.par_count):
- #位置更新(オイラー差分)
- ax = pe[i].fx/pe[i].m
- ay = pe[i].fy/pe[i].m
- aa = pe[i].fm/pe[i].Ir
- pe[i].vx += ax*self.dt
- pe[i].vy += ay*self.dt
- pe[i].va += aa*self.dt
- pe[i].dx = pe[i].vx*self.dt
- pe[i].dy = pe[i].vy*self.dt
- pe[i].da = pe[i].va*self.dt
- pe[i].x += pe[i].dx
- pe[i].y += pe[i].dy
- pe[i].a += pe[i].da
- class Window(tkinter.Tk):
- dem = DEM
- def __init__(self,dem):
- super().__init__()
- self.dem = dem
- self.loop_n = 0
- self.scale = 1.0
- dem_width = self.dem.area[1] - self.dem.area[0]
- dem_height= self.dem.area[3] - self.dem.area[2]
- self.width = dem_width + 10
- self.height = dem_height + 10
- self.offset_x = (dem_width - self.width)/2
- self.offset_y = (dem_height - self.height)/2
- self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self, bg="white")
- self.canvas.pack(fill=tkinter.BOTH,expand=True)
- self.geometry('%dx%d' % (self.width,self.height))
- self.title('DEM')
- for l in self.dem.lines:
- xy = self.view_pos([l.x1,l.y1,l.x2,l.y2])
- self.canvas.create_line(xy,width=1)
- self.redraw()
- self.update_idletasks()
- def calcloop(self):
- if self.loop_n % 5 == 0:
- print('Step %d' % self.dem.step)
- if self.loop_n % 1 == 0:
- self.redraw()
- time.sleep(0.001) #ゆっくり見たい場合
- if self.loop_n >= 1000:
- print('解析終了.設定最大ループに達しました')
- else:
- self.after(0,self.calcloop)
- self.dem.cycle(10)
- self.loop_n += 1
- self.update_idletasks()
- def redraw(self):
- self.canvas.delete('par')
- h = self.height
- for p in self.dem.particles:
- x1,y1 = self.view_pos([p.x-p.r,p.y-p.r])
- x2,y2 = self.view_pos([p.x+p.r,p.y+p.r])
- self.canvas.create_oval(x1,y1,x2,y2,tags='par')
- x1,y1 = self.view_pos([p.x,p.y])
- x2,y2 = self.view_pos([p.x+p.r*math.cos(p.a),
- p.y+p.r*math.sin(p.a)])
- self.canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,tags='par')
- def view_pos(self,coords,offset=(0,0)):
- s = self.scale # 表示倍率
- h = self.height #表示画面高さ
- w = self.width #表示画面幅
- xy_list = []
- for i in range(0,len(coords),2):
- x = round(s*coords[i]) - self.offset_x
- y = round(h-s*coords[i+1]) + self.offset_y
- x = x + offset[0]
- y = y + offset[1]
- xy_list.append(x)
- xy_list.append(y)
- return xy_list
- def main():
- print('初期設定中...',end='')
- dem = DEM()
- dem.area = [0,300,0,200]
- dem.dt = 0.01
- p1 = Particle(250,190,10)
- p2 = Particle(190,190,10)
- p3 = Particle(120,190,10)
- p4 = Particle(60,190,10)
- dem.particles = [p1,p2,p3,p4]
- l1 = Line(50,140,300,170)
- l2 = Line(0,110,170,80)
- l3 = Line(30,30,300,50)
- dem.lines = [l1,l2,l3]
- #粒子同士
- inf1 = Interface()
- inf1.kn = 100000 #弾性係数(法線方向)
- inf1.etan= 50000 #粘性係数(法線方向)
- inf1.ks = 5000 #弾性係数(せん断方向)
- inf1.etas= 5000 #粘性係数(せん断方向)
- inf1.frc = 100 #摩擦係数
- #粒子と線要素
- inf2 = Interface()
- inf2.kn = 1000000
- inf2.etan= 50000
- inf2.ks = 5000
- inf2.etas= 5000
- inf2.frc = 100
- dem.interfaces.set(inf1,1,1)
- dem.interfaces.set(inf2,1,2)
- dem.setup()
- print('完了')
- print('粒子要素数: %d ' % dem.par_count)
- print('解析開始')
- w = Window(dem)
- w.after(0,w.calcloop)
- w.mainloop()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
実行するとウィドウが立ち上がり、 4つの球がコロコロ転がる描写が実行させるはずです。