- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from libc.math cimport sqrt,sin,cos,atan2,fabs
- from cpython cimport bool
- from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Realloc, PyMem_Free
- cdef double PI = 3.1415926535 #円周率
- cdef double G = 9.80665 #重力加速度
- cdef struct Particle:
- #要素共通
- int etype #要素タイプ
- int n #要素No.
- double r #半径
- double x #X座標
- double y #Y座標
- double a #角度
- double dx #X方向増加量
- double dy #Y方向増加量
- double da #角度増加量
- double vx #X方向速度
- double vy #Y方向速度
- double va #角速度
- double fy
- double fx
- double fm
- double* en #弾性力(直方向)
- double* es #弾性力(せん断方向)
- #粒子専用
- double m #質量
- double Ir #慣性モーメント
- cdef struct Line:
- #要素共通
- int etype #要素タイプ
- int n #要素No.
- double r #半径
- double x #X座標
- double y #Y座標
- double a #角度
- double dx #X方向増加量
- double dy #Y方向増加量
- double da #角度増加量
- double vx #X方向速度
- double vy #Y方向速度
- double va #角速度
- double fy
- double fx
- double fm
- #線要素専用
- double x1
- double y1
- double x2
- double y2
- cdef struct Interface:
- double kn #弾性係数(法線方向)
- double etan #粘性係数(法線方向)
- double ks #弾性係数(せん断方向)
- double etas #弾性係数(せん断方向)
- double frc #摩擦係数
- #グローバル変数
- cdef Particle* pe
- cdef Line* le
- cdef Interface infs[9]
- cdef int int_no[9][9]
- cdef int area[4] # 解析範囲
- cdef int pe_count #粒子の数
- cdef int le_count #線要素の数
- cdef double dt = 0.001 #計算間隔
- cdef int st = 0 #ステップ
- cdef double rho = 10 #粒子間密度
- cdef void next_step():
- global st
- reset_force()
- calc_force()
- update_coord()
- st += 1
- cdef void reset_force():
- cdef int i
- for i in range(pe_count):
- pe[i].fx = 0
- pe[i].fy = 0
- pe[i].fm = 0
- cdef Interface interface(int etype1,int etype2):
- cdef Interface inf
- cdef int n
- n = int_no[etype1][etype2]
- inf.kn = infs[n].kn
- inf.etan = infs[n].etan
- inf.ks = infs[n].ks
- inf.etas = infs[n].etas
- inf.frc = infs[n].frc
- return inf
- cdef void calc_force():
- #2粒子間の接触判定
- cdef double lx,ly,ld,cos_a,sin_a
- cdef int i,j,n
- for i in range(pe_count):
- for j in range(i+1, pe_count):
- lx = pe[j].x - pe[i].x
- ly = pe[j].y - pe[i].y
- ld = (lx**2+ly**2)**0.5
- if (pe[i].r+pe[j].r)>ld:
- cos_a = lx/ld
- sin_a = ly/ld
- calc_force_par2par(i,j,cos_a,sin_a)
- else:
- pe[i].en[j] = 0.0
- pe[i].es[j] = 0.0
- #粒子と線の接触判定
- cdef bool hit
- cdef double x,y,a,d,b,s
- for i in range(pe_count):
- for j in range(le_count):
- hit = False
- th0 = atan2(le[j].y2-le[j].y1, le[j].x2-le[j].x1)
- th1 = atan2(pe[i].y -le[j].y1, pe[i].x -le[j].x1)
- a = sqrt((pe[i].x-le[j].x1)**2+(pe[i].y-le[j].y1)**2)
- d = fabs(a*sin(th1-th0))
- if d < pe[i].r:
- b = sqrt((pe[i].x -le[j].x2)**2+(pe[i].y -le[j].y2)**2)
- s = sqrt((le[j].x2-le[j].x1)**2+(le[j].y2-le[j].y1)**2)
- s = sqrt(s**2 + pe[i].r**2)
- if a < s and b < s:
- s = sqrt(a**2-d**2)
- x = le[j].x1 + s*cos(th0)
- y = le[j].y1 + s*sin(th0)
- hit = True
- elif a < b and a < pe[i].r:
- x = le[j].x1
- y = le[j].y1
- hit = True
- elif b < pe[i].r:
- x = le[j].x2
- y = le[j].y2
- hit = True
- if hit:
- lx = x - pe[i].x
- ly = y - pe[i].y
- ld = sqrt(lx**2+ly**2)
- cos_a = lx/ld
- sin_a = ly/ld
- calc_force_line2par(i,le[j].n,2,cos_a,sin_a)
- else:
- pe[i].en[le[j].n] = 0.0
- pe[i].es[le[j].n] = 0.0
- #外力
- for i in range(pe_count):
- pe[i].fy += -G*pe[i].m #重力
- cdef void calc_force_par2par(int i,int j,double cos_a,double sin_a):
- cdef double un,us,vn,vs,hn,hs
- cdef Interface inf
- #相対的変位増分
- un = +(pe[i].dx-pe[j].dx)*cos_a+(pe[i].dy-pe[j].dy)*sin_a
- us = -(pe[i].dx-pe[j].dx)*sin_a+(pe[i].dy-pe[j].dy)*cos_a+(pe[i].r*pe[i].da+pe[j].r*pe[j].da)
- inf = interface(pe[i].etype,pe[j].etype)
- #合力(局所座標系)
- pe[i].en[j] += inf.kn*un
- pe[i].es[j] += inf.ks*us
- hn = pe[i].en[j] + inf.etan*un/dt
- hs = pe[i].es[j] + inf.etas*us/dt
- if hn <= 0.0:
- #法線力がなければ、せん断力は0
- hs = 0.0
- elif fabs(hs) >= inf.frc*hn:
- #摩擦力以上のせん断力は働かない
- hs = inf.frc*fabs(hn)*hs/fabs(hs)
- #全体合力(全体座標系)
- pe[i].fx += -hn*cos_a + hs*sin_a
- pe[i].fy += -hn*sin_a - hs*cos_a
- pe[i].fm -= pe[i].r*hs
- pe[j].fx += hn*cos_a - hs*sin_a
- pe[j].fy += hn*sin_a + hs*cos_a
- pe[j].fm -= pe[j].r*hs
- cdef void calc_force_line2par(int i,int ln,int mat,double cos_a, double sin_a):
- cdef double un,us,vn,vs,hn,hs
- cdef Interface inf
- #相対的変位増分
- un = +pe[i].dx*cos_a+pe[i].dy*sin_a
- us = -pe[i].dx*sin_a+pe[i].dy*cos_a+pe[i].r*pe[i].da
- #相対的速度増分
- vn = +pe[i].vx*cos_a+pe[i].vy*sin_a
- vs = -pe[i].vx*sin_a+pe[i].vy*cos_a+pe[i].r*pe[i].va
- inf = interface(pe[i].etype,mat)
- #合力(局所座標系)
- pe[i].en[ln] += inf.kn*un
- pe[i].es[ln] += inf.ks*us
- hn = pe[i].en[ln] + inf.etan*vn
- hs = pe[i].es[ln] + inf.etas*vs
- if hn <= 0.0:#法線力がなければ、せん断力は0
- hs = 0.0
- elif fabs(hs) >= inf.frc*hn:#摩擦力以上のせん断力は働かない
- hs = inf.frc*fabs(hn)*hs/fabs(hs)
- #全体合力(全体座標系)
- pe[i].fx += -hn*cos_a + hs*sin_a
- pe[i].fy += -hn*sin_a - hs*cos_a
- pe[i].fm -= pe[i].r*hs
- cdef void update_coord():
- cdef double ax,ay,aa
- cdef int i
- for i in range(pe_count):
- #位置更新(オイラー差分)
- ax = pe[i].fx/pe[i].m
- ay = pe[i].fy/pe[i].m
- aa = pe[i].fm/pe[i].Ir
- pe[i].vx += ax*dt
- pe[i].vy += ay*dt
- pe[i].va += aa*dt
- pe[i].dx = pe[i].vx*dt
- pe[i].dy = pe[i].vy*dt
- pe[i].da = pe[i].va*dt
- pe[i].x += pe[i].dx
- pe[i].y += pe[i].dy
- pe[i].a += pe[i].da
- # -------------------------
- # Pythonからの設定用
- # -------------------------
- def set_delta_time(sec):
- global dt
- dt = sec
- def set_number_of_particle(n):
- global pe_count,pe
- pe_count = n
- pe = <Particle*> PyMem_Malloc(n * sizeof(Particle))
- if not pe:
- raise MemoryError()
- def set_particle(pe_no,pe_obj):
- pe[pe_no].x = pe_obj.x
- pe[pe_no].y = pe_obj.y
- def particle(pe_no,pe_obj):
- pe_obj.x = pe[pe_no].x
- pe_obj.y = pe[pe_no].y
- pe_obj.a = pe[pe_no].a
- return pe_obj
- def set_number_of_line(n):
- global le_count,le
- le_count = n
- le = <Line*> PyMem_Malloc(n * sizeof(Line))
- if not le:
- raise MemoryError()
- def set_line(l_no,l_obj):
- le[l_no].x1 = l_obj.x1
- le[l_no].y1 = l_obj.y1
- le[l_no].x2 = l_obj.x2
- le[l_no].y2 = l_obj.y2
- def line(l_no,l_obj):
- l_obj.x1 = le[l_no].x1
- l_obj.y1 = le[l_no].y1
- l_obj.x2 = le[l_no].x2
- l_obj.y2 = le[l_no].y2
- return l_obj
- def set_area(x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max):
- global area
- area[0] = x_min
- area[1] = x_max
- area[2] = y_min
- area[3] = y_max
- def set_interface(mat1,mat2,inf_no,inf_obj):
- int_no[mat1][mat2] = inf_no
- infs[inf_no].kn = inf_obj.kn
- infs[inf_no].etan = inf_obj.etan
- infs[inf_no].ks = inf_obj.ks
- infs[inf_no].etas = inf_obj.etas
- infs[inf_no].frc = inf_obj.frc
- def initialize():
- global pe,le
- cdef int i,j,n
- n = pe_count + le_count + 4
- for i in range(pe_count):
- pe[i].etype = 1
- pe[i].n = i
- pe[i].x = 0
- pe[i].y = 0
- pe[i].r = 0
- pe[i].a = 0
- pe[i].dx = 0
- pe[i].dy = 0
- pe[i].da = 0
- pe[i].vx = 0
- pe[i].vy = 0
- pe[i].va = 0
- pe[i].fx = 0
- pe[i].fy = 0
- pe[i].fm = 0
- pe[i].m = 0
- pe[i].Ir = 0
- pe[i].en = <double*> PyMem_Malloc(n * sizeof(double))
- pe[i].es = <double*> PyMem_Malloc(n * sizeof(double))
- for j in range(n):
- pe[i].en[j] = 0
- pe[i].es[j] = 0
- for i in range(le_count):
- le[i].etype = 2
- le[i].n = pe_count+i
- def setup():
- global pe,le
- cdef int i
- #粒子要素
- for i in range(pe_count):
- pe[i].r = 5.0
- pe[i].m = 4.0/3.0*PI*rho*pe[i].r**3 # 質量
- pe[i].Ir = PI*rho*pe[i].r**4/2.0 #慣性モーメント
- #線要素
- def step():
- return st
- def calc_step(int n=1):
- cdef int i
- for i in range(n):
- next_step()
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- print('読み込み中...',end='')
- import sys
- import math
- import random
- import time
- import tkinter
- import dem
- class Element(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.n = 0 #要素No.
- self.r = 0 #半径
- self.x = 0 #X座標
- self.y = 0 #Y座標
- self.a = 0 #角度
- self.dx = 0 #X方向増加量
- self.dy = 0 #Y方向増加量
- self.da = 0 #角度増加量
- self.vx = 0 #X方向速度
- self.vy = 0 #Y方向速度
- self.va = 0 #角速度
- self.fy = 0
- self.fx = 0
- self.fm = 0
- self.en = [] #弾性力(直方向)
- self.es = [] #弾性力(せん断方向)
- class Particle(Element):
- def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,vx=0,vy=0):
- super(Particle,self).__init__()
- self.type = 1
- self.x = x #X座標
- self.y = y #Y座標
- self.vx = vx #X方向速度
- self.vy = vy #Y方向速度
- rho = 10
- self.r = 5 #半径
- self.m = 4.0/3.0*math.pi*rho*self.r**3 # 質量
- self.loop_nr = math.pi*rho*self.r**4/2.0 #慣性モーメント
- class Line(Element):
- def __init__(self,x1=0,y1=0,x2=0,y2=0):
- super(Line,self).__init__()
- self.type = 2
- self.x1 = x1
- self.y1 = y1
- self.x2 = x2
- self.y2 = y2
- class Interface(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.kn = 0 #弾性係数(法線方向)
- self.etan = 0 #粘性係数(法線方向)
- self.ks = 0 #弾性係数(せん断方向)
- self.etas = 0 #粘性係数(せん断方向)
- self.frc = 0 #摩擦係数
- class DEM_UI:
- def __init__(self):
- # setup
- self.area = [5,295,5,195]
- # lines
- lines = []
- lines.append(Line(100,100,300,150))
- lines.append(Line(10,80,160,50))
- a = self.area
- lines.append(Line(a[0],a[2],a[1],a[2]))
- lines.append(Line(a[0],a[3],a[1],a[3]))
- lines.append(Line(a[0],a[2],a[0],a[3]))
- lines.append(Line(a[1],a[2],a[1],a[3]))
- self.line_count = len(lines)
- # particle
- pars = []
- for x in range(40,290,2):
- for y in range(145,190,2):
- if self._is_touch_to_particles(x,y,5,pars):
- continue
- if self._is_touch_to_lines(x,y,5,lines):
- continue
- pars.append(Particle(x,y))
- self.par_count = len(pars)
- # interface
- inf = [[Interface() for i in range(9)] for j in range(9)]
- #粒子同士
- inf[1][1].kn = 100000 #弾性係数(法線方向)
- inf[1][1].etan= 5000 #粘性係数(法線方向)
- inf[1][1].ks = 5000 #弾性係数(せん断方向)
- inf[1][1].etas= 1000 #粘性係数(せん断方向)
- inf[1][1].frc = 10 #摩擦係数
- #粒子と線要素
- inf[1][2].kn = 500000
- inf[1][2].etan= 10000
- inf[1][2].ks = 1000
- inf[1][2].etas= 900
- inf[1][2].frc = 1
- #setup dem
- dem.set_delta_time(0.01)
- dem.set_area(*self.area)
- dem.set_number_of_particle(self.par_count)
- dem.set_number_of_line(len(lines))
- dem.initialize()
- for i,l in enumerate(lines):
- dem.set_line(i,l)
- for i,p in enumerate(pars):
- dem.set_particle(i,p)
- dem.set_interface(1,1,0,inf[1][1])
- dem.set_interface(1,2,1,inf[1][2])
- dem.setup()
- def _is_touch_to_particles(self,x,y,r,pars):
- hit = False
- for p in pars:
- lx = p.x - x
- ly = p.y - y
- ld = (lx**2+ly**2)**0.5
- if (p.r+r)>=ld:
- hit = True
- break
- return hit
- def _is_touch_to_lines(self,px,py,pr,lines):
- hit = False
- for l in lines:
- th0 = math.atan2(l.y2-l.y1,l.x2-l.x1)
- th1 = math.atan2(py-l.y1,px-l.x1)
- a = math.sqrt((px-l.x1)**2+(py-l.y1)**2)
- d = abs(a*math.sin(th1-th0))
- if d < pr:
- b = math.sqrt((px-l.x2)**2+(py-l.y2)**2)
- s = math.sqrt((l.x2-l.x1)**2+(l.y2-l.y1)**2)
- if a < s and b < s:
- hit = True
- elif a < b and a < pr:
- hit = True
- elif b < pr:
- hit = True
- if hit:
- break
- return hit
- def particles(self):
- pars = []
- for i in range(self.par_count):
- p = dem.particle(i,Particle())
- pars.append(p)
- return pars
- def lines(self):
- lines = []
- for i in range(self.line_count):
- l = dem.line(i,Line())
- lines.append(l)
- return lines
- class Window(tkinter.Tk):
- def __init__(self):
- self.loop_n = 0
- print('初期設定中...',end='')
- super().__init__()
- self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self, bg="white")
- self.canvas.pack(fill=tkinter.BOTH,expand=True)
- self.geometry('300x200')
- self.title('DEM')
- self.dem_ui = DEM_UI()
- for l in self.dem_ui.lines():
- xy = self.view_coord([l.x1,l.y1,l.x2,l.y2])
- self.canvas.create_line(xy,width=1)
- self.redraw()
- self.update_idletasks()
- print('完了')
- print('粒子要素数: %d ' % self.dem_ui.par_count)
- print('解析開始')
- def calcloop(self):
- if self.loop_n % 10 == 0:
- print('Step %d' % dem.step())
- if self.loop_n % 1 == 0:
- self.redraw()
- if dem.step() >= 5000:
- print('解析終了.設定最大ループに達しました')
- else:
- self.after(0,self.calcloop)
- dem.calc_step(10)
- self.update_idletasks()
- self.loop_n += 1
- def redraw(self):
- self.canvas.delete('elem')
- h = 200
- for p in self.dem_ui.particles():
- x1,y1 = self.view_coord([p.x-p.r,p.y-p.r])
- x2,y2 = self.view_coord([p.x+p.r,p.y+p.r])
- self.canvas.create_oval(x1,y1,x2,y2,tags='elem')
- x1,y1 = self.view_coord([p.x,p.y])
- x2,y2 = self.view_coord([p.x+p.r*math.cos(p.a),
- p.y+p.r*math.sin(p.a)])
- self.canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,tags='elem')
- def view_coord(self,coords,offset=(0,0)):
- s = 1.0 # 表示倍率
- h = 200 #表示画面高さ
- w = 300 #表示画面幅
- x_offset = 0
- y_offset = 0
- xy_list = []
- for i in range(0,len(coords),2):
- x = round(s*coords[i])+x_offset
- y = round(h-s*coords[i+1])-y_offset
- x = x + offset[0]
- y = y + offset[1]
- xy_list.append(x)
- xy_list.append(y)
- return xy_list
- def main():
- w = Window()
- w.after(0,w.calcloop)
- w.mainloop()
- print('完了') #読み込み
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()